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What we will do together:


Learn communication strategies to help you express yourself effectively.


Create a safe place in which you feel comfortable expressing yourself.​​


Put ourselves in other people's shoes. 


Listen actively. 


Learn to manage our tone, body language and emotions when talking about a difficult topic.


Support each others rather than want to dominate the discussion.


Practice, practice and practice! We will start with easy topics and gradually move to more challenging ones. 





Dealing with Family Stress
Group Sessions for Families and Relationships

What to expect:


Engage in open conversations with your family members about difficult and often avoided topics. 


Learn how to set clear boundaries and responsibilities in a healthy way promoting respect and mutual understanding.


Be truly heard with the time you need to express your ideas without being interrupted.


Create a safe environment where you can learn step by step to communicate in a beneficial way.


Express your perspective in a way that even the most stuborn family members will understand.


Learn to see things from the other person's perspective and build mutual understanding. 


Practice, practice and practice!




Relationships and families issues remain unsolved because of inadeguate communication?

How many times did you completely avoid to talk about something worried about the reaction that would come from the other side? In most cases, so many topics are simply avoided or just quickly dismissed because of bad communication. Truth to be told, most families or people involved in a relationship are unaware of this and believe that everything is fine. But is it really? Not having a discussion or an argument does not necessarily mean that there is no issue. Many times issues are just cast away and forgotten. People adapt to the problematic situation through unealthy coping strategies and just go on with their lives. On the other hand many beautiful relationships unnecessarily end because of a lack of proper communication. 

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